Supplier :

ILSA pca

Description :

chemical composition

1% chelated zinc from Zn.EDTA

1% chelated iron sourced from Fe.EDTA

1% chelated manganese sourced from Mn.EDTA

Complex boron source: 1% boron ethanolamine - 19.39% amino acids


What is Elsamine Multi

It is a liquid fertilizer that contains organic nitrogen and chelated trace elements

Intended for spot drip and foliar applications

The innovative formula is made up of amino acids and chelated micro elements such as iron, zinc, boron, and manganese.


Product Features

It is used during the initial stages of vegetative growth of vegetables, especially in lime and alkaline soils, in order to avoid deficiency or deficiency of microelements.

As for fruit trees, compost is used during the restoration of vegetative growth in order to improve the process of photosynthesis and stimulate the growth


What is special about the product?

Rapid absorption through the leaf and root system -

Increases the intensity of the greenness of the plant leaves -

Prevents and limits the yellowing of leaves caused by a deficiency of microelements.

The plant helps to overcome environmental and physiological stress


Manufacturer: Elsa, Italy. You can visit the company's website from here


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